Kecerdasan Buatan dengan Pyton

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Adapun Ebook ini memeliki beberapa chapter yang nantinya akan dibahas, diantaranya : 

Chapter 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 

Chapter 2: Fundamental Use Cases for Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 3: Machine Learning Pipelines

Chapter 4: Feature Selection and Feature Engineering

Chapter 5: Classification and Regression Using Supervised Learning

Chapter 6: Predictive Analytics with Ensemble Learning

Chapter 7: Detecting Patterns with Unsupervised Learning

Chapter 8: Building Recommender Systems

Chapter 9: Logic Programming

Chapter 10: Heuristic Search Techniques

Chapter 11: Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming

Chapter 12: Artificial Intelligence on the Cloud

Chapter 13: Building Games with Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 14: Building a Speech Recognizer

Chapter 15: Natural Language Processing

Chapter 16: Chatbots

Chapter 17: Sequential Data and Time Series Analysis

Chapter 18: Image Recognition

Chapter 19: Neural Networks

Chapter 20: Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks

Chapter 21: Recurrent Neural Networks and Other Deep Learning Models

Chapter 22: Creating Intelligent Agents with Reinforcement Learning

Chapter 23: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

Dimana dari 23 Chapter tersebut, akan dibahas semuanya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Semoga saja bisa. Bismillah...

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